The Praying Heart
Prayer is the very soul of Carmel. Prayer is our Mission.
“Women’s contemplative life has always represented in the Church,
and for the Church, her praying heart. The Church needs you! The
world needs you! … By your transfigured life, and with simple words
pondered in silence, show us the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the
Life.” (Pope Francis).
Prayer is a heart to heart, a whole way of life; the very love-life of
the Carmelite, permeating our whole day. Our life in Carmel is
not so much about what we do, but about opening ourselves in
all our poverty to receive, with empty hands like St Therese, the
inflowing love that God wants to lavish on us; his pent-up
tenderness and mercy. We, in turn, channel this love to all our
sisters and brothers throughout the world.
The Praying Heart
Prayer is the very soul of Carmel. Prayer is our Mission.
“Women’s contemplative life has always represented in the
and for the Church, her praying heart. The Church needs
you! The world needs you! … By your transfigured life, and
with simple words pondered in silence, show us the One
Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (Pope Francis).
Prayer is a heart to heart, a whole way of life; the very love-
life of the Carmelite, permeating our whole day. Our life in
Carmel is not so much about what we do, but about opening
ourselves in all our poverty to receive, with empty hands like
St Therese, the inflowing love that God wants to lavish on
us; his pent-up tenderness and mercy. We, in turn, channel
this love to all our sisters and brothers throughout the world.